Sample Implementation: Here is a quick proof-of-concept with Model-Viewer web component, Alt Attributes, ChromeVox Screen Reader & AR on Android with TalkBack Screen Reader in SceneView. When viewed on Android running Google Play Services for AR, a 3D model can be displayed on Android in a way that takes advantage of the Android Accessibility Settings.
- To explore the features, we start three web models that are in traditional X3D format from the UC Berkeley P.A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology portal
- Using the X3D and ImageTexture mapping X3D, these can be converted in Meshlab and Blender to glTF/GLB format for use with Model-Viewer:
- Below is a screenshot from a web page where you can view the three Google Model-Viewer-based objects. The HTML for the first object looks like:
Museum number: 16-11061 - Pottery bottle</h3>
Description: Pottery bottle<br>
alt="A 3D model of a ceramic pottery bottle; single tapered spout with strap handle to modeled and painted human head; round bottom; hands and clothes painted on body; cream cloak; height: 7¼ inches.">
- Below are movies of screen reader interactions with the Model-Viewer Alt Attributes: one with ChromeVox browsing the web page, the other with TalkBack going through the web page and the AR experience on an Samsung S7 Android phone. [Note: Model-Viewer and the SceneViewer AR support are also available for Magic Leap and Quick Look on iOS.]
- The AR experience on Android requires Google Play Services for AR. While browsing the page here, the TalkBack screen reader calls aloud the hidden Alt Attribute descriptions. This example also uses a custom AR button with an added WAI-ARIA label to make the Model-Viewer AR mode control more prominent. Next steps for overall improvement of the experience would be more audio cues about object location, rotation, gaze, focus and more controller feedback within the AR Scene View.